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The Shift Show

Mar 19, 2020

Is your business set up for this current circumstance? Listen to find out!

During our live chat you’ll learn:
-> how do you know if you need to make changes in your business
-> what should you pivot to
-> how do you develop an offer people really want


Mar 19, 2020

How can you make money right now AND help people? In this Facebook live I'll be answering your questions around making money right now in your business.
I'll answer:

How can you bring in extra money right now?
How can you serve your people and increase your revenue?
What should you be focusing on right now in your...

Mar 19, 2020

Why “staying positive” may not be your best strategy moving forward in business, life and business. Plus, we'll tell you what to do instead.

Today I'm joined by Patty Lennon! She's doing a free training called The Receiving Method.

I realize the world feels upside down right now. I 100% believe this training will...

Mar 18, 2020

You probably already realize this is your time to help and serve, so let's have a conversation about it.

In this podcast I'm answering questions like:

How do i help people right now, without seeming self serving
3 things to do with your business right now to help more people
Should I be offering discounts right...

Mar 9, 2020

What actually is influence? Have you ever asked yourself that question before?

If you're anything like me and the hundreds of influencers i've worked with, that NEVER ENDING content strategy has left you feeling not good enough and always thinking you need to be creating MORE and more content. 
